Can Bearded Dragons Eat Ham? (See What Happens)

can bearded dragons eat ham

No, bearded dragons should not eat ham. While Bearded Dragons are omnivorous in nature, meaning they can be fed both meat and vegetables, it is best for them to stay away from any kind of animal protein. Ham contains too much fat and cholesterol. Instead, owners can give their pets different kinds of plant proteins like tofu which is high in calcium but low in fat.

There are also some owners who give their beardies food items that aren’t necessarily part of their natural diet. That usually happens when the dragon has been accustomed to eating those foods as a baby through force-feeding. Ham falls under this category.

There are no known cases of bearded dragons surviving on ham, so it is safe to assume that the high cholesterol and fat content isn’t good for them in the long run.

Is it safe for bearded dragons to eat ham

Is Ham Bad For My Bearded Dragon?

Yes. Ham can also cause other health problems for your bearded dragon, such as obesity, which can lead to severe leg problems. Ham is high in sodium, which can cause dehydration if the bearded dragon doesn’t drink enough water.

Can Bearded Dragons Consume These Foods?

My Bearded Dragon Ate a Piece of Ham. Should I Be Worried?

While eating a piece of ham is not ideal and should be avoided, it likely won’t kill your bearded dragon. If you regularly feed your beardie a balanced diet, a piece of ham will not kill him/her.

I recommend monitoring your dragon for the next couple of days. One of the most common symptoms of being sick is diarrhea and if you see any sign of that (or vomiting) take your beardie to a veterinarian immediately. If he doesn’t get sick, then just monitor him closely and try not to feed him any more ham.

This is very similar to if you fed your dog table scraps and were unsure of how he/she would react, just monitor his behavior.

Overall, it is best to stay away from feeding your bearded dragon any ham. Might as well keep your beardie away from all meat and poultry while you’re at it!

Rich Hansen

I'm a long time Bearded Dragon owner. I currently have two Bearded Dragons, Sam and Dean. I'm also a huge fan of the show Supernatural.

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