Can Bearded Dragons Eat Leeks? (See What Happens)

It is very important for you to know if your beardie can eat leeks because some food items are not good for the diet of bearded dragons. Yes, your bearded dragon can eat leeks. With that being said, they should only eat the green part and make sure they’re cut into small pieces no bigger than the space between your bearded dragon’s eyes.

What are Leeks?

Leeks are part of the Allium family, also known as the onion family. This means they share characteristics with garlic and onions that bearded dragons can’t have because it’s poisonous to them. However, if you just feed your beardie the green part of the leak, you should be safe.

The Bearded dragon diet should consist mainly of vegetables that are leafy green in color. This includes collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, turnip tops (turnips), kale, parsley and cilantro. Check out which vegetables bearded dragons can eat?

is it safe for bearded dragons to eat leeks

Nutritional Components of Leeks

The nutritional components of leeks are a good source of vitamin C. They also contain a moderate amount of calcium, iron and potassium which is why it’s important to make sure they’re cut up so small. If you were to give your bearded dragon an entire large-sized leek, it could eat at least half the day’s worth of calcium in one sitting. Calcium is very important for your beardie to have because it helps with bone development and growth.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raw or Cooked Leaks?

Either raw or cooked leeks are fine. It’s still the same thing, just cut up into smaller pieces. As long as your bearded dragon can eat it without any issues, you should be good to go!

What are the Benefits of Leeks for Bearded Dragons?

Some benefits of leeks for bearded dragons would be the fact that they’re high in calcium and other trace minerals which are very important if you want to help them develop healthy bones. The green parts are also packed with vitamin A, C and K which are all beneficial for both males and females. You should feed them fresh vegetables on a daily basis instead of giving them one big meal because this will increase their energy levels throughout the day.

Vegetables for Bearded Dragons

Risks of Feeding My Bearded DragonLeeks

If you feed your bearded dragon leeks, there are no risks of them getting sick because this is a vegetable that they’re meant to eat. They may not like it at first, but if you can get them to eat small pieces then over time they will be fine with it.

Your bearded dragon may become sick if you feed them the white part because it’s not good for them. The white part of the leek is known to contain a high amount of substances that can be harmful and poisonous if ingested.

Feeding your bearded dragon leeks should only happen every once in a while, but they’re definitely good for them!

Where Can I Get Leeks?

​You can buy leeks at any grocery store or even at some convenience stores. If you have a green thumb, you can also grow the vegetables yourself! You just have to make sure to keep an eye on them so that they don’t go bad. If kept in proper conditions, leeks should last about 4-8 weeks before going bad.

Alternative Foods For Bearded Dragons

If you’re having trouble getting your bearded dragon to eat leeks, there are other foods you can try. Some examples would be collard greens, mustard green, dandelion greens, turnip tops (turnips), kale, parsley and cilantro!

Do not feed them iceberg lettuce because it doesn’t have the proper nutrients to keep them healthy. If they eat too much of it then their calcium intake might go down which is bad for their bones. Always stick with leafy green vegetables that are high in calcium when looking for alternative food sources for your bearded dragon.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Leeks? – The Conclusion!

Bearded dragons should eat leeks occasionally as long as they’re cut up into small pieces. The green parts are packed with various vitamins, calcium and other minerals that are good for their overall health! You should avoid giving them the white part or roots because this could make them sick if ingested in large quantities.

Rich Hansen

I'm a long time Bearded Dragon owner. I currently have two Bearded Dragons, Sam and Dean. I'm also a huge fan of the show Supernatural.

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