Can Bearded Dragons Eat Meat? (See What Happens)

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Meat

Yes and no. The meat bearded dragons should eat needs to come in the form of crickets, worms, roaches, etc. Something that a bearded dragon would find in the wild. Bearded dragons should not eat fish, beef, poultry, pork, etc. Their bodies just do not process these foods right and you could end up with a sick or dead bearded dragon.

The best way to feed your bearded dragon would be to house the crickets in a cricket keeper and just put food and water in there every couple of days. Of course, this is assuming that you will be providing one hundred percent of the food for your bearded dragon and not having to feed it any other food. If you will be feeding your bearded dragon anything else, such as vegetables, then you should only offer the crickets as their favorite foods (the ones that they hunt for). You could also put calcium powder into the cricket keeper with the crickets to make sure that your bearded dragon gets all its calcium.

What Is The Nutritional Profile in Meat?

Most meat is high in protein and fat.

Meat is a popular food because of its high-calorie density, meaning that a small piece will give you lots of calories and energy. It can be difficult to get nutrients from the meat itself due to the cooking process, so vegetables are usually recommended as well to ensure all nutritional needs are met.

Is it Safe for Bearded Dragons to Eat Meat

What Are The Benefits of Feeding My Bearded Dragon Meat?

If you were going to ignore this warning and feed your dragon meat:

It is a good source of protein and fat, which will allow your bearded dragon to grow at a proper rate. All-natural sources of food are best for bearded dragons, such as mice and crickets.

What Are The Risks of Feeding My Bearded Dragon Meat?

Meats may contain parasites or bacteria, so it is important to cook the food well if given cooked.

Can Bearded Dragons Consume These Foods?

Where Can I Get More Information About Feeding Meat to My Bearded Dragon?

If you would like more information about feeding your bearded dragon meat, contact your local exotic veterinarian.

Alternative Foods for Bearded Dragons

There are plenty of protein-packed alternative foods for your bearded dragon such as:

  • Alfalfa
  • Dhana Grass Seeds
  • Blueberries
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet Potato
  • Peas

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Meat? – The Conclusion

Yes and no. They can eat meat from crickets, worms, etc. but they should not be consuming animal meat.

Although this is a topic that hasn’t been fully studied yet, it doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t feed your bearded dragon anything other than vegetables and the occasional fruit to ensure their diet is balanced. However, remember that too much protein can be harmful to your pet’s health as well, so make sure you don’t overfeed them. Because researchers still aren’t sure about what effects meat has on a bearded dragon’s growth rate or overall health we recommend sticking with alfalfa and Dhan grass seeds if you want to give an alternative high-protein food to your beardie.

Rich Hansen

I'm a long time Bearded Dragon owner. I currently have two Bearded Dragons, Sam and Dean. I'm also a huge fan of the show Supernatural.

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