Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raisins? (See What Happens)

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raisins

Yes, you can feed your bearded dragon raisins without fear of injury. In fact, they make a great treat if you soak them in water for a while to bring out all the sweet juices.

Bearded dragons are omnivorous creatures by nature and will eat many different types of foods including fruits and vegetables. The raisin is no different from any other fruit or vegetable that you might hand to your pet.

Bearded Dragon Diet

Though they are omnivorous, bearded dragons should be fed insects to live a healthy, active lifestyle. Feed your pet once or twice per day depending on its age and activity level. Younger dragons who are still growing need more protein than older ones that have stopped developing.

Is it Safe for Bearded Dragons to Eat Raisins

What Is The Nutritional Profile of Raisins?

Before you let your bearded dragon eat raisins, it’s important to understand what exactly the fruit is giving him. Raisins are small with wrinkled skin that can easily slip into their mouths. The inside of the fruit is made up of tiny brown seeds surrounded by sugary juice.

1/4 cup (40 g) has 139 calories; 47 grams carbohydrates; 0 grams protein; 0 grams fat; 1 gram dietary fiber; and 22 milligrams calcium (11 percent DV).

  • Calories: All fruits are naturally full of calories due to their considerable sugar content.
  • Carbohydrates: Although raisins have a lot of sugar, they also have a lot of carbs making them great for an active dragon that requires a lot of fuel to stay active.
  • Protein: Raisins have no protein in them making it not the best dietary choice if you want your pet to get enough from their food.
  • Fat: There is no fat in raisins.
  • Fiber: Each serving has 1 gram of fiber in it which comes from the seeds and skin surrounding its edible center. Fiber helps in digestion and can help prevent your bearded dragon from becoming obese. It also helps regulate her bowel movements so she doesn’t become constipated or have diarrhea when she eats too much fruit or vegetables with high fiber content which could lead to other problems.
  • Calcium: Like most fruits, oranges are rich sources of calcium that

What Are The Benefits of Feeding My Bearded Dragon Raisins?

Bearded dragons have very hearty appetites so you should only feed them raisins if they are hungry. If you feed your pet too much fruit, it could lead to obesity which can shorten their life spans and cause other serious medical conditions.

The sugars in raisins feed the natural yeasts that are found inside a bearded dragon’s digestive system which are vital for helping her to digest food properly. The yeast also helps restore good bacteria that are needed for proper nutrient absorption. Raisins are high in potassium, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus, and magnesium making them great for your dragon’s bones and cardiovascular health.

What Are The Risks of Feeding My Bearded Dragon Raisins?

There has been controversy over whether or not raisins are safe to feed to bearded dragons. Some people say that raisins can lead to kidney failure and others claim there is no evidence of such a causal link.

If your pet does eat too many raisins, she may start to have diarrhea which could cause serious dehydration problems if she isn’t properly hydrated. Bearded dragons don’t usually drink much water and get most of what they need from their food. A lack of water can lead to constipation issues as well as other medical problems which only become worse the longer your pet goes without drinking water.

Although raisins are tasty and healthy in moderation, you should never feed them to a pregnant or nursing bearded dragon. Raisins are sugary and could give your pet sugar highs followed by lows that make her act erratically.

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raisins? – The Conclusion

Yes, your pet bearded dragon can eat raisins but sparingly.

You should only give your pet a few slices of fruit a day, however, and you need to be sure that she eats all of them before the next feeding time. Keep an eye on how much you feed him so he doesn’t eat too many and become obese as this can lead to some very serious medical conditions for your beloved scaly friend.

Rich Hansen

I'm a long time Bearded Dragon owner. I currently have two Bearded Dragons, Sam and Dean. I'm also a huge fan of the show Supernatural.

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