Can Bearded Dragons Eat Thyme? (See What Happens)

can bearded dragons eat thyme

Yes, bearded dragons can eat thyme. Thyme is an herb that is available at most grocery stores or supermarkets. The leaves are used in culinary dishes, while the oil of thyme is used to add flavor when cooking. Bearded dragons can eat both types of thyme, but they should only nibble on it rather than consuming too much over a short period of time.

Is it safe for bearded dragons to eat thyme

What Kind Of Thyme Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Bearded dragons can eat both cultivated and wild varieties of thyme, though the latter may contain more dangerous chemicals because it grows out in the wild. Any variety with green leafy stems and small purple flowers are suitable for bearded dragon consumption. Avoid using yellow-flowering or variegated thyme since these are not safe for bearded dragons.

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How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Thyme?

Bearded dragons can eat thyme every day as long as it is only a small amount and not the only food source. Because thyme has a strong flavor, even a few leaves will go a long way and help to add zest to the animal’s diet. If too much thyme is given in one day, though, or if it becomes the sole source of nourishment for several days at a time, this may lead to digestive problems such as diarrhea and dehydration.

Is Wild Thyme Safer Than Cultivated Thyme For Bearded Dragons To Eat?

No, wild thyme contains more dangerous chemicals than cultivated thyme because it grows out in nature where it might be exposed to pesticides. Bearded dragons are safest when given cultivated varieties.

How To Add Thyme To A Bearded Dragon’s Diet

Bearded dragons can eat thyme by adding it as a minor ingredient to their daily meals. Put several small leaves into the animal’s food bowl, or take a few sprigs of the herb and place them under the rock where the bearded dragon usually eats. The flavor will not be overwhelming since only a small amount is needed for nutritional purposes, but it should still help to keep the lizard’s diet fresh and exciting.

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Rich Hansen

I'm a long time Bearded Dragon owner. I currently have two Bearded Dragons, Sam and Dean. I'm also a huge fan of the show Supernatural.

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