Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cicadas? (See What Happens)

can bearded dragons eat cicadas

And, believe it or not, cicadas are a safe, protein-rich insect that your bearded dragon can eat in moderation. Cicadas are a pleasant pleasure in and of themselves. However, there are several difficulties you should be aware of before allowing your dragon to run wild across the park, snatching up the annoyances of other people.

Those inch-long bugs have been buzzing through the air for a while now, and you’ve heard their loud chirping. It’s possible that you’ve observed this once-every-17-years phenomenon unfold online or in your own backyard, depending on where you live. The cicadas of the Brood X have arrived!

Dogs, cats, birds, snakes, and even some people are taking advantage of the cicada invasion in 2021 as an opportunity to gorge themselves. As a result, dragon owners are naturally curious as to whether or not their pet can participate in the festivities. Alternatively, it’s possible that your dragon has already eaten a cicada and you are now concerned. Is it possible for bearded dragons to consume cicadas? Check out which insects bearded dragons can eat?

is it safe for bearded dragons to eat cicadas

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cicadas?

Cicadas are a favorite food of bearded dragons. Many dragons can only dream of the glory of having unlimited access to Brood X’s delectable delicacies.

Dangerous Chemicals. Chemicals that are potentially hazardous. One of the most serious concerns about cicadas, particularly wild ones like Brood X, is that it’s impossible to know where they’ve come from. Their exposure to lawn chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides, which are toxic to bearded dragons, could have resulted in them developing health problems. Consider the following question before allowing your dragon to consume one of these insects: Can I be reasonably assured that this cicada hasn’t been infected with pesticides or other potentially harmful grass treatments?

It’s possible that you live in a neighborhood where few people use lawn treatments, or that you have a vast property on which you don’t apply fertilizers. Whatever the situation, always use your best judgment.

In the event that your dragon consumes a cicada that has been tainted with pesticides, your dragon may become ill or possibly die. Calling your veterinarian is always a good idea if you have any reason to believe your bearded dragon has consumed chemicals or if you notice any strange behavior in your dragon, such as lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, or loss of appetite.

Exoskeleton. Due to the rough external shell of cicadas, it can be difficult for a bearded dragon to digest them, putting them at danger of developing intestinal impaction. For the best results, it is recommended that dragons consume cicada exoskeletons that have already shed their exoskeletons.

Size. When it comes to eating insects, bearded dragons should avoid anything that is larger than the distance between their eyes. Cicadas can grow to be more than an inch in length, so keep this in mind when caring for your dragon, especially if it is a smaller species.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Cicadas?

Aside from pesticides and fertilizers, cicadas are not safe for baby dragons because of their size and the possibility of stomach impaction due to their venom. It is advisable to wait until your dragon is a little older before introducing her to larger insects.

A cicada has the potential to be an entirely innocuous and healthy treat for your dragon, despite the fact that feeding wild insects to your dragon is never a smart idea. When considering whether or not your dragon should be allowed to feast on a cicada or two from Brood X, use your best judgment.

Insects for Bearded Dragons

What Should I Do If My Bearded Dragon Is Terrified By the Cicada Noise?

If you live in one of this year’s cicada hot zones, you may be in for a few weeks of extremely loud cicada singing. After all, male cicadas can be heard at about 100 decibels, which is louder than a lawnmower. The following are some things you can attempt to calm your bearded dragon if she appears to be stressed off by the new sound:

Bearded Dragon Burrito. Beardie burrito, to be precise. Wrap her in a towel or blanket and hold her near to your heart. This is usually quite successful when dealing with dragons who enjoy being touched.

Bath. It’s bath time! For certain dragons who enjoy the water, a pleasant soothing bath is a perfect remedy.

Darkness. Turning off the lights in your dragon’s terrarium for a short period of time will sometimes help to ease his nervousness. If you have them set on a timer, just remember to switch it back on when you are finished.

Space. When a dragon is stressed, it is possible that it will not enjoy being handled at all. If this describes your reptile, he may simply require some “me” time in his terrarium to become used to the new environment.

Brood X’s brief sojourn above ground has been difficult for both humans and animals to acclimatize to. Whether or not your dragon (and you?) share a couple of these delicious morsels, take advantage of this wonderful display of nature while it continues.

Summary Article

In summary, yes, your bearded dragon can eat cicadas. As with any wild insects, make sure that they are pesticide and fertilizer-free. Cicadas that shed their exoskeletons tend to be the best for dragons as they digest them easier. Baby bearded dragons should not eat cicadas as they can choke on them due to their size and it is possible for them to get impaction from the venom in the insects’ bodies if eaten by baby bearded dragons. Adult bearded dragons will have no problem eating them though so you can feed these delicious morsels to your dragon again this year!

Rich Hansen

I'm a long time Bearded Dragon owner. I currently have two Bearded Dragons, Sam and Dean. I'm also a huge fan of the show Supernatural.

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