Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grass? (See What Happens)

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grass

Yes, you CAN feed your bearded dragon grass. However, it begs the question, “why would you want to?” Grass doesn’t provide much nutritional benefit to your bearded dragon. There’s no need to go out and buy a bag of grass clippings from the nursery just for your bearded dragon. This is especially true when you consider that there are more beneficial foods for your bearded dragon to eat.

If you’re wondering whether or not it’s okay to feed your bearded dragon grass, the answer is yes. However, don’t think that feeding your pet grass will provide any real benefit in terms of nutrition or health. Check out the vegetables bearded dragons can eat.

Is it Safe for Bearded Dragons to Eat Grass

What Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Bearded dragons are omnivores, so their diet consists of both meat and vegetables/fruit. Insects make up the majority of their natural diet in the wild. These include small lizards, beetles, cockroaches, crickets, flies, moths, and grasshoppers. In captivity, they can get the same nutrition from gut-loaded feeder insects, such as crickets or mealworms. Bearded dragons also eat a variety of plants in the wild. They forage for fruits, flowers, leaves, stems and seed pods on a regular basis.

In captivity, bearded dragons should be fed a well-balanced diet of greens and vegetables along with a small portion of protein. You can use commercial diets designed specifically for beardies to supply them with all the nutrients they need while avoiding vitamin/mineral deficiencies that result from poor dietary planning.

Valuable Nutrients in Grass

Bearded dragon owners might wonder if there are any valuable vitamins and minerals in grass. The truth is, there are. You just can’t get them from feeding your pet grass.

One of the nutrients found in grass is calcium carbonate, which is the same calcium found in cuttlebone for pet birds. Calcium carbonate contains 40 percent calcium. However, bearded dragons don’t need to supplement with additional calcium because they obtain enough of this mineral through their diet. The remaining 60 percent of calcium carbonate is useless filler that isn’t absorbed by your bearded dragon’s body.

The other nutrient found in grass is cellulose (fiber). This indigestible portion of plants can act as a laxative if too much of it is eaten at once. Feeding your bearded dragon some grass occasionally won’t provide any negative effects, but it won’t provide any positive ones either.

Benefits of Feeding My Bearded Dragon Grass

Are there any benefits to feeding my beardie grass?

The answer is no. Bearded dragons, like other reptiles, get water from the food they eat. They don’t need to drink water because all the moisture they need is contained in their food.

Grass also doesn’t provide much in terms of vitamins and minerals so you can’t rely on it to provide your bearded dragon with any additional nutrients if their diet isn’t well-planned. Grass provides very little nutritional value compared to the many vegetables that are available for feeding your bearded dragon. There’s just no reason to give grass another thought when it comes time to feed your beardie something healthy and nutritious

Risks of Feeding My Bearded Dragon Grass

The simple truth is that grass doesn’t offer your bearded dragon anything of nutritional value. It’s completely unnecessary to include it in their diet and can actually cause problems if you feed them too much of it at once. Grass is notoriously hard to digest. When eaten in large amounts, it can cause intestinal blockages that are often fatal to bearded dragons.

The grass itself also harbors bacteria and parasites which can make your beardie sick if they ingest it. If you’ve ever stepped on a pile of moist grass or cut the lawn without wearing shoes, then you probably know what kinds of things might be hiding in it. If not, consider the fact that dogs often eat grass before vomiting for exactly this reason. I haven’t heard any reports of dogs dying from eating grass but it’s still something to keep in mind whenever you consider feeding grass to your bearded dragon.


If You Still Want To Feed Your Bearded Dragon Grass…

There’s nothing wrong with giving your beardie a little bit of grass every now and then. It won’t harm them if the amount is very small. Just don’t make a habit out of it or you could end up with a sick bearded dragon.

If you feel the need to feed your beardie some grass, get it from an area where animals aren’t fed for human consumption. You can also run the grass through a blender and dry it in an oven set at its lowest temperature to kill any parasites or bacteria that might be present. In addition, make sure your bearded dragon has access to cuttlebone so they can get calcium whenever they want

Add all this together and there’s really no benefit of feeding your bearded dragon small amounts of clean green grass compared to not doing it at all.

Alternative Foods for Bearded Dragons

Here are some alternative foods for bearded dragons.

Mealworms make a great treat food for your pet lizard if you’re looking to mix things up every now and then. They should only be used as an occasional treat because they contain less calcium than other foods which can lead to health problems over time

Earthworms, on the other hand, are extremely nutritious for pet bearded dragons. You can feed them earthworms or even better, use earthworm castings (the worms’ poop) as part of their daily diet. This is especially effective if your beardie has any kind of nutritional deficiency

How about crickets? Crickets are something many pet owners ask me about quite often. “Can I feed my bearded dragon crickets?” The answer is yes, as long as you take the necessary precautions to keep them from making a mess inside of your beardie’s tank. They can also carry parasites and bacteria that could make your beardie sick

How about vegetables? Vegetables are an important part of a bearded dragon pet’s diet. You’ll want to feed them fresh veggies every day that contain calcium and vitamin D3 – two things they need to stay healthy

If you’re going to give your bearded dragon grass, make sure it comes from a safe source and remember that they don’t need any more water in their diet since all the moisture they need is contained in their food.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grass? – The Conclusion

The answer to the question “can bearded dragons eat grass?” is no, they don’t need it and actually risk getting sick if you give it to them. The best way for your pet lizard to stay healthy is to feed them foods that are naturally high in calcium like insects or cuttlebone. Vegetables are also good treats but should only be offered every now and then as part of a complete diet (and not with any grass).​

Rich Hansen

I'm a long time Bearded Dragon owner. I currently have two Bearded Dragons, Sam and Dean. I'm also a huge fan of the show Supernatural.

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