Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pinkies? (See What Happens)

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pinkies

Yes, depending on the age of your bearded dragon, you can feed them pinkies. Pinkies are young mice who have just been born. They are quite small and have not yet developed any claws or teeth, or much of a skeletal structure. As a result, adult bearded dragons have an easier time digesting the mouse; however, baby bearded dragons should never have pinkies because they are too large and can cause impaction.

Pinkies begin to expand as they become older, and this is referred to as “fuzzies.” Once they have reached this point, they are no longer acceptable for feeding to dragons since the skeletal structure that has formed will prevent them from digesting the food.

Pinkies are extremely high in both fat and protein content. This makes them excellent for providing a boost to a dragon who may be in need of it, such as a female dragon who has just given birth to eggs. Nonetheless, feeding pinkies too frequently in an otherwise healthy dragon might overwhelm its system and produce health issues such as obesity or gout, among other things. As a result, adult dragons should only be fed pinkies once or twice a month at the most.

Is it Safe for Bearded Dragons to Eat Pinkies

Valuable Nutrients in Pinkies

As we mentioned above, pinkies are rich in fat and protein. This makes them an excellent supplement for many dragons.

They are also high in calcium, the nutrient that is the most important to bearded dragons of all different ages. Still, you need to limit your dragon’s intake every day because too much calcium can lead to health problems including metabolic bone disease (MBD). As rare as it is for a healthy adult dragon to suffer from MBD, it is more common for a baby or juvenile dragon to develop issues with calcium intake.

Whether you feed pinkies as a special treat every couple of weeks or as part of an everyday meal plan, do not forget that their nutritional makeup makes them perfect for boosting your bearded dragon’s energy levels and overall health.

Benefits of Feeding My Bearded Dragon Pinkies

In addition to the invigorating effects you can get from feeding your beardie a pinky every now and then, these little mice offer some other benefits that just might surprise you. For one thing, they are quite low in calories while simultaneously being high in fat and protein. This makes them an excellent choice for owners who want to make sure their beardies eat right without going overboard on food intake.

They also help stimulate a dragon’s appetite, which is a definite plus if your pet seems reluctant to eat or may be suffering from MBD.

Finally, offering up pinkies from time to time allows you to observe how much your bearded dragon actually eats when it comes time for its mealtime. In doing so, you can get a better idea of how much it needs to eat on a regular basis. Keep in mind that their appetites fluctuate depending on the time of year and certain conditions, so it is important to use this information to adjust the amount you feed them accordingly.

Risks of Feeding My Bearded Dragon Pinkies

Although pinkies can provide a number of benefits, there are still risks involved with feeding these tiny mice to your bearded dragon.

Firstly, they may contain parasites or bacteria that can make your pet sick. This is especially true if the mouse was not frozen prior to being fed and comes from an unknown source. Also, some owners have actually reported cases where their beardies have choked on pinkies after trying to swallow them whole.

Finally, you should never feed pinkies to your bearded dragon on a regular basis because this could lead to obesity. By keeping the mice as “treats” instead of everyday meal plan staples, you help ensure that your pet gets all the nutrients it needs without overdoing it on calories or becoming overweight.

Can Bearded Dragons Consume These Foods?

Alternative Foods for Bearded Dragons

As we mentioned earlier, feeding pinkies to your pet is not the only option you have. Here are just a few other foods that make excellent replacements:

  • Prickly Pear (fruit and pads)
  • Earthworms (alive or pre-frozen)
  • Silkworms (alive or pre-frozen)
  • Crickets (alive or pre-frozen)
  • Mealworms (alive or pre-frozen and in their original wax casing)
  • Waxworms (pre-frozen and in their original wax casing)

All of these options are great for bearded dragons of various ages, but certain ones work better than others. For example, mealworms and waxworms are best for babies through juveniles. Meanwhile, adults can enjoy super worms, silkworms, crickets and prickly pear pads/stems.

Though frozen is always the healthiest option, some owners prefer to use live bugs as food sources instead because they believe their pets can “hunt” them down easier by using their tongues. Still, others think that live insects may also stimulate a beardie’s appetite more effectively than pre-frozen options like pinkies.

For the sake of your dragon’s health and happiness (not to mention your peace of mind), always do thorough research before deciding what types of insects or other foods you want to offer it. This way, you can make sure your pet gets the most out of its diet without putting it at risk for serious health issues.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pinkies? – The Conclusion

If you are wondering if bearded dragons eat pinkies, then the answer is yes. As long as you feed them frozen pinkies that are high in fat and protein (and low in carbs), they should be completely fine. They may even provide your pet with several benefits like stimulating its appetite, increasing its calcium intake, and keeping it active.

However, pinkies should never become part of a bearded dragon’s regular diet because this could lead to obesity or other serious health complications. Therefore, keep these tiny mice as occasional “treats” instead of staple meal options.

Good luck giving your beardie the right amount of nutritious food while minimizing risks. You can learn more about feeding your dragon on our bearded dragon’s page.

Rich Hansen

I'm a long time Bearded Dragon owner. I currently have two Bearded Dragons, Sam and Dean. I'm also a huge fan of the show Supernatural.

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