What Vegetables Do Bearded Dragons Eat?

what vegetables do bearded dragons eat

Bearded dragons are known to enjoy eating vegetables. In the wild, they consume a variety of plants and vegetables.

In captivity, you can provide them with a wide variety of fresh vegetables as part of their diet. Popular vegetables for bearded dragons are included on list below.

Bearded Dragons Vegetable List

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What Vegetables Bearded Dragons Eat in the Wild?

Bearded dragons in the wild consume a wide variety of vegetables.

Bearded dragons typically eat plant matter that is high in moisture content. This helps them stay hydrated since they live in arid environments.

Which Vegetables are Safe for Bearded Dragons?

The vegetables that are safe for bearded dragons to eat are the ones that are listed above. These vegetables are all high in moisture content and nutrients that your bearded dragon needs.

Avoid feeding your bearded dragon vegetables that are:

  • Toxic to reptiles
  • Low in moisture content
  • High in oxalates or goitrogens

Some vegetables that should be avoided include:

  • Potatoes
  • Rhubarb
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli

It is important to wash all vegetables before feeding them to your bearded dragon. This will